Meet with team smartData

Calendar April 17 - 21, 2023
location Chicago, IL

Multi-Hospitalist Services

It is a covid-19 suspects patients tele-monitoring solution. Tele-monitoring is bridging the gap between people, physicians and health systems, enabling everyone especially symptomatic patients, to stay at home/isolation wards and communicate with physicians through this solution. Thus helping to reduce the spread of the virus to mass populations and the medical staff on the frontlines. Benefits of the wearable devices monitoring of vital parameters in combination with telemedicine for Covid-19 patients are:

- Core body temperature

- Heart rate

- Blood oxygen saturation

- Respiration rate

Health app for Home Isolation Patients

This platform provides remote monitoring for home isolated patients, where hospital is providing medical devices to monitor patient's vitals.

 Patients can request for Lab test after each isolation cycle completed, also can book e-meeting with their specialist for video consultation and preventing care habits education.

Also, this Health app monitors the vital signs such as blood pressure, heart rate, body temp. and any abnormalities in real-time. Additionally, it also provides a panic alarm system to notify the caregivers/assigned specialist during emergency such as heart attacks etc.

One more step for prevention and treatment to stem the spread of Covid-19 with remote monitoring app.

Remote Monitoring Home Care

Extensive health care application focused on the homecare/aged care - community health / residential health / disability services and includes patient, clinical and document management, scheduling, reporting and billing. The core features of the application enable connectivity between client and a range of care givers (who are mapped by the system based on multiple client requirements and preferences) and family members. The application will have the ability to connect and take streamed data feeds from multiple devices configured in a client’s home (patient), thereby providing remote monitoring and generating alerts. The app is connected with bio medical devices, medication dispensing devices, sensory devices such as bed mats, door sensors for video conferencing and absconding management.

Remote Monitoring and Self Management

Smart diabetes remote monitoring and self management system tailored for Diabetic patients. It is an integrated smart mobile application and web based portal that captures patient blood glucose readings, diet and daily activities for better management of patient diabetes using user smartphone and glucose meter.

Users receive real-time updates on their treatment plans. Resulting in improved medical outcomes with innovative and impactful solutions for convenient, efficient and effective diabetes management. It is integrated with RFduino (Arduino + Bluetooth 4.0 Low energy) to communicate BLE enabled blood glucose meter to fetch patient vital

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Recent Portfolio Projects

CV based video analytics

It is software that can be used to perform different computer vision analyses on videos with real-time and prerecorded videos. The type of analysis that can be performed was to Track humans in the video, calculate the distance between two people, find if a person is wearing a mask or not, and check if a person is wearing proper safety gear (working on construction sites and extra).

CV based video analytics

Veterinary SOAP note generation using ChatGPT

The intent of the application is to create SOAP notes for the patient history by using chatGPT and a private knowledge base. The propriatory extension parses patient history from the patient management website and sends it to the backend API. The backend API receives the patient history and returns the generated SOAP notes to the client extension.

Veterinary SOAP note generation using ChatGPT

Symptom checker and analytics

It is a platform used as a symptom checker which enables users to check the histamine of their food by simply logging their daily food intake reactions which can be good or bad. Based on every reaction, the analytics is generated which determines the histamine of food. It includes a searchable list of high histamine food items in real-time along with suggestions

Symptom checker and analytics

Performance Management for Caregiving Agencies

It is a HIPAA complaint tracking/performance management platforms for the caregiving agencies that produces real time proof and results of the quality care provided by their staff members/aides and also for the consumers (aka parents/loved ones of those that aides are taking care off). It automates complete workflow from assignment/schedule management/care plan creation to performance tracking. 

The platform also provides the functionality of customized care plans, records patient vitals, track progress and milestones and helps in sharing with care managers and with loved ones. Agencies can monitor progress using a web platform and aides as well as loved ones have an iOS app.

Performance Management for Caregiving Agencies

Video Streaming web and Mobile App

It is a "video-on-demand (VOD)" platform that facilitates live video broadcasting on the lines of Youtube & Youtube Live. It aims to bring down the sales & marketing expenses and double the outreach for artists/performers aka content creators. The platform has a powerful search engine along with a recommendation engine designed to provide an experience optimized for different age groups. It features a simplified user interface, curated selections of channels featuring age-appropriate content, and parental control features. The viewers can perform extensive content lookups using keywords, tags, and categories.

Content creators/providers can upload pre-recorded videos or Go-Live instantly or can even schedule live broadcasts through their dedicated channel and all the associated followers get channel notifications in real-time. Followers can buy special packages online to connect directly with content creators through secure messaging. By opting for subscription plans, the content creators earn premium services in terms of top ranks, trending video positions, and verified badges offered by the admin. Each pre-recorded or broadcasted video has total views, comments, and a number of likes/dislikes, and all that data is used for further business analytics and defining business strategies.

Video Streaming web and Mobile App

Healthcare consultancy

Healthcare consultancy/ HIPAA software consultancy - guiding client's team in HIPAA compliance

Few areas covered:
EHR data security and encryption (in transit and at rest)

Guidelines being followed in client's custom web & mobile app for COVID-19 diagnostic

Healthcare consultancy
Estimate Project