Our video consulting platform provides real-time audio/video streaming of data from one device to another using native WebRTC libraries. Hosted on a scalable AWS infrastructure the video platform offers a range of consultation solutions – text, audio and video chat. It supports all the latest desktop and mobile web browsers, a user-friendly and secure platform to connect over video calls. The frontend video streaming component is built on Angular JS so that it can be integrated with any modern web application easily. It can be used as a standalone platform or integrated with existing systems for more effective calls.
The largest segment of Online Food Delivery market is restaurant-to-consumer delivery. Customers are getting accustomed to order online from local restaurants or food store chains. The new user buying behaviour is characterized by personalised experience, door to door delivery options, and ease of making a purchase. smartFood is an on-demand food delivery application that can be white labeled to manage services for your single/multi restaurants or launched as a food marketplace just like Uber, GrubHub, DoorDash. Built with latest technologies it captures business analytics for you to make informed decisions.
Online branding and technology platforms have changed the ways businesses operate. Adapting to the changing times and fulfilling the growing demands of consumer habits, online order and booking applications are a must. To manage the ongoing and increasing needs of hyperlocal and regional markets to deliver an end user experience to customers, smartData has developed smartUtility. The framework which is our IPR helps you build any on demand service application & is domain agnostic. It has all the standard modules base built in which can either be used as is or can be customised for advance offering or specific needs.