smart smarTians

Lockdown brought smarTians face to face with the unknown. The way operations have continued for over 100 days is a testimony to precise planning, continuous monitoring, and exemplary hard work and dedication towards work and the associated livelihood. Video conferencing has helped. The water cooler talks have been replaced with virtual settings. There have been numerous talk sessions and video conferences for the last three months. The calls have been both formal settings to discuss work and informal off work conversations. This has been a great way of conversing with people and knowing how they are doing in these heightened state of anxiety due to pandemic & offering help and support and solace in any way possible. Some of the continued efforts by the different group which requires mention are given below :-

smartData -Org Wide, July 2022

Chairman Mixer

A thoroughly enjoyable and insightful evening with Chairman Dr Sanjai Tewari and senior smartData leadership group to push forward innovative initiatives to keep on scaling the continuous success of smartData ahead. Moving ahead with this year’s theme Do, Decide & Delegate , exchange of ideas and discussion on future roadmap took place.

smartData -Org Wide, July 2022

Tree Plantation at KT Tower Mohali

Promoting the effort to “GoGreen”, smarTian’s seeked innovative method of promoting eco-friendly environment by planting various medical and fruit bearing trees in our upcoming Kanchenjunga tower. This motivation to “GoGreen” has increasingly become part of our CSR. Our Chairman & his family have planted trees on their visit of Mohali.

smartData Mohali, July 2022

Happy Moments

Our strength comes from our delighted workforce. We work, learn, and play, but most importantly, we celebrate every happy moment as one large family. One of the key happiness principles is savouring and cherishing every second to appreciate those happy moments in one’s life. Celebrated work anniversary, achievement and starting new journey of life of smarTians.

smartData Mohali, July 2022

Chairman Visit

On-site visits allow leaders to interact with people face to face, build relationships, and collaborate in real time. Mr. Sanjai Tiwari, our chairman, and his family have paid a visit to headquarters. These visits not only increases collaboration and interactivity but has enhanced interaction and communication between employees and senior management.

smartData Mohali, July 2022

Client Visit

Client visits are pivotal not only in building trust but in nurturing & developing strong collaborative working relationships. One of our platform client visited the headquarter office to discuss changes & the future road map of the project. Such interactions are valuable in terms of learning. The team working with the client has gathered from all branches to discuss the multiple projects running and prioritise the upcoming tasks.

smartData Mohali, July 2022

Community Service- Chabeel Sewa

The rent we pay to occupy here on our lovely planet is service. smarTians always go above and beyond to perform community services. smarTians have planned the Chabbel service by serving refreshing sweet drink for the commuters in the hot and humid weather to provide them with some relief. Additionally, Prasad was also distributed.

smartData Nagpur, July 2022

Welcoming sDirect Batch 2022

Graduates are tech-savvy, creative and own the thirst for acquiring new artistry as professionals. Possessing the ability to continuously learn in a working environment and form part of a culture; they inject new innovative ideas and energy into projects and initiatives and increase diversity within the work team.We welcome our 2022 sDirect enthusiastic batch at Nagpur facility for a greater team building, collaboration, productivity and enhancing workplace moral.

smartData Mohali, June 2022

BDG Meet on Changing Market Dynamics

What better than engaging employees in understanding and creating best in class software solutions to address end customer’s need. Meeting with business development group on adapting with changing market dynamics & improving processes to give customers the benefit.

smartData Nagpur, June 2022

Client Visit

Visits from clients to smartData enterprises are immersive experiences that include in-depth discussions about the projects. Our platform client visited Nagpur branch to establish a plan for the project’s future roadmap. Client interaction with the whole team was to get insights into the project development milestone and to make them understand the entire business system.

Recent Portfolio Projects

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Artisan Chocolate Platform

Artisan Chocolate Platform

We crafted a brand that is anchored in precision. We were able to create a brand that weaves an irresistible story around customized Chocolate products. The platform offers a variety of products that you’ll rarely see in a local market. Working towards a mission provide its clients with the convenience of having premium chocolates straight on their doorsteps. Offering a wide range of product with varieties handmade truffles and pralines to creative local products that are exclusively made with techniques and skills of their artisans offering clients offering the best tasting experience. The website offers unique chocolates with rare and exotic flavors to choose from assorted pralines of chocolates that enticing clients with a unique experience.

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Social Network for Dating

Social Network for Dating

The app is the social network for the horror community. You can make new connections - personally and professionally. Make new friends or find actors for your next film and stay up to date on the latest events, news, and reviews in one place.

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Wallet System

Wallet System

The objective of the application is to allow its users to manage the loyalty points earned as issued by various participatory merchants under one umbrella. The application users will be able to transfer and convert the earned points to make the bill payments or any purchased. "More you spend more you earn".

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AI CV based Movement Tracking application

AI CV based Movement Tracking application

A platform that will assist individuals in screening and tracking musculoskeletal injuries, poor movement patterns, and identifies areas that could become an issue, as well as have the ability to use personalized exercise programs to improve movement and strength. The platform will help children, athletes, and patients in preliminary analyses based on qualitative and quantitative assessment tests, simple movement-based tests, strength tests, and range of motion tests.

Based on the responses given by the patient’s application, it will give an overall score to flag up and highlight any deficient areas and areas that should be addressed to reduce injury risk, pain, or problems. Leveraging an AI Computer Vision-based system to track movement quality and characteristics as users can access in real time or upload a basic video if a mobile device is unavailable. A further secondary component of this is a retraining tool using AI to help improve user's movement pattern

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Mental Health Therapy Platform

Mental Health Therapy Platform

A digital therapeutics (DTx) platform that delivers evidence-based therapeutic interventions to mental health patients. It gathers, studies and analyses multiple data points of a patient’s physical, mental and behavioral traits during the treatment and customizes interventions that evolve as the program progresses. This digital platform provides three major offerings- intervention, engagement and patient-reported outcomes to provide post-diagnosis treatment to patients by tracking their health. 

The main entities involved in this solution are care agencies/medical centers, pharma companies, insurance companies, employers and mental health patients. The solution helps patients to track medications, timely reminders for appointments, personalized interventions, health tracking and video calls with care team members.

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Advanced Logistics Solution

Advanced Logistics Solution

A supply chain solution to produce a platform to connect suppliers and carriers. Carriers/drivers get notifications in real-time based on the dispatch algorithm to accept a booking request. They can either accept/decline a booking request or prose a new quote based on load, truck type, source and destination. We have developed an algorithm to match suppliers (booking requests) with carriers. We have also developed messaging and calling facility between supplier and carrier.

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