smart CFG Green

We understand our effect on the atmosphere and the importance of a safe and green environment in long-term sustainability. It has prompted the marketplace’s competitive environment to increase organizational performance and search out fresh and creative technologies.

smartData Mohali, August 2019

GoGreen Campaign

The motivation to “GoGreen” has not only increasingly become part of our CSR but an aspect of remaining relevant in future business environment. Promoting the effort to “GoGreen”, smarTian’s seeked innovative method of promoting eco-friendly environment by planting various medical and fruit bearing trees in our upcoming Kanchenjunga tower.

smartData Dehradun, June 2019

George Everest Community Cleaning

The spirit of trekking is incomplete without the love, respect and care for mountain environment. Our professionals during their one day hike to the Mount George Everest at Dehradun volunteered in collecting the non-biodegradable waste and other litter from the trail to the closest garbage system as a necessity in keeping the mountains ‘swachh’.

smartData Mohali, April 2019

Car Pooling

smartData Mohali, February 2019

Cleanliness Drive

smartData Org-Wide, March 2019

Clean Ganga Drive

smartData Mohali, January 2019

Water Conservation

smartData Mohali, July 2018

“Name your Tree” Drive

smartData Nagpur, August 2017

“Plant a Tree” Drive

smartData Org-Wide, March 2017

Tree Plantation Campaign

Recent Portfolio Projects

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eCommerce Mobile application

eCommerce Mobile application

It is an online eCommerce platform that connects users to the community or to the network to sell & purchase products online via a mobile app. A multi-sided platform where user can come to the platform & plays both roles in the proposed job as a user can be a buyer & can be a seller at one time while becoming a seller, they need to go through a KYC process and get approval from the site admin.

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MIPS Preaudit Measure Platform

MIPS Preaudit Measure Platform

The system has been developed for a registry clearinghouse to collect clinical data from MIPS eligible clinicians (both individuals and groups) and submits it to CMS on their behalf for purposes of MIPS. Then pre-audits submitted data during the performance year and provides reports and notifications pro-actively to improve the MIPS score community.

This application after collecting QRDA data (after parsing of QRDA files) provides accurate, timely, and actionable performance data to clinicians/groups and other stakeholders.

This application has the ability to submit data for "Quality", "Improvement Activities" and "Promoting Interchangeability" data to CMS using API.

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Type 1 Diabetes analytics Platform

Type 1 Diabetes analytics Platform

We are working for  non-profit organization project aims to improve patient care and outcomes in diabetes management through enhanced data accessibil-ity, quality improvement tracking, and increased public engagement in re-search, while ensuring patient confidentiality and robust data integrity.Clinics have a dedicated section to document Quality Improvement collaboration projects using Plan-Do-Study-Act (PDSA) cycles, set goals, and track progress. Coaches work with clinics to assess care gaps, review data, and implement improvements, with a scoring system to reflect project phases. Clinics can up-load documents and collaborate on best practices.
This platform is primarily a business-to-business (B2B) solution. It collabo-rates with clinics and hospitals that offer patient care to individuals with Type 1 diabetes. De-identified patient data is collected from electronic medical rec-ords (EMRs). This data is analyzed and compared with data from other clinics to propose and support

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Golf course environmental risk mitigation

Golf course environmental risk mitigation

A robust environmental management system to manage the potential environmental risks associated with golf club actives. It offers a user friendly interface that includes monitoring stormwater drains to prevent pollutant entry, eliminating pollutants from club operations, maintaining clean workspaces, adhering to Standard Operating Procedures, conducting environmental impact assessments, and complying with hazardous material regulations. This proactive approach helps the club avoid penalties, promotes individual accountability for environmental impact, and establishes a structured process for reporting environmental concerns to the Environmental Manager


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Mobile Advertising Platform

Mobile Advertising Platform

An advertisement platform promoting the use of clean energy for commute through biking campaigns in 3 simple steps- "affiliate, install & ride". It enables biking enthusiasts to enroll their private bike into campaigns run by different advertisers. This helps the bikers to earn a decent amount for every kilometer cycled thus enabling healthy habits while using the bike as a advertisement tool

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Diabetes Prevention Care and MNT

Diabetes Prevention Care and MNT

The application specialises in bringing Medical Nutrition Therapy (MNT), dietitian's services, and diabetic shoes to underserved patients and communities in Chicago area with a goal to engage community based patient in healthier living. The role is to provide specialised dietitians and home-care services. Goal is to engage more patient in healthier living.  

These standards of care are intended to provide clinicians, patients, researchers, payors, and other interested persons with the components of diabetes care, treatment goals, and tools to evaluate the quality of care by capturing set of desired metrics for evaluating quality of care.  While individual preferences, co morbidities, and other patient factors may require modification of goals, broader community based targets are set for most patients to see a larger impact.  

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