Business Visit to US

In June 2024, I embarked on a productive two-week business trip across Charlotte, New York, Pittsburgh, and Orlando. This journey provided valuable opportunities to engage with existing clients and potential partners, showcasing smartData's healthcare expertise and addressing their specific questions about our capabilities.

While meetings with existing healthcare clients I gathered feedback on our services, reviewed product roadmaps, and demonstrated new capabilities, including Cloud Services , Next Gen technologies like Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) , Blockchain . These discussions reinforced our commitment to supporting their growth and evolving needs, as well as exploring new business opportunities together.

Additionally, I connected with some new partners one case study to share here was new partner interested in a unified platform to streamline their operations—from patient intake to prescription delivery—eliminating the need for multiple systems. I proposed a comprehensive solution featuring a single platform with custom API integrations taking care of HIPAA compliance and interoperability standards like

FHIR/HL7 to meet these needs, which aligned with their vision. They are now a client, and we have initiated the development of this tailored solution.

Overall, this trip was a success, strengthening our partnerships, advancing business opportunities, and deepening my appreciation of U.S. culture.

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