Workplace Incivility and How can it be corrected!

What is incivility?

It’s disrespect or rudeness. Incivility is a common term for social conduct that is not civil or nice, to the people around you. Different behaviors from mocking or belittling someone to teasing people in ways that hurt, to telling offensive jokes and texting in meetings. How you treat people means everything. You demonstrate it every day by your actions. Either you lift people up or hold people down by your behavior towards them. It always depends on the viewer's eyes, and what seems to one person to be incivility is completely natural to another.

Incivility can express itself in three different forms at work. First, incivility can be interpersonal in nature, where one person is specifically uncivilized against another. For example, if your boss neglects to thank you for keeping the door open. Alternately, incivility will present itself as "cyber incivility." Cyber incivility is uncivil activity displayed in computer-mediated encounters, including emails, text, and social network messages. Examples of this activity may include transmitting time-sensitive material via e-mail, sending blunt or tertiary e-mails, or not responding to e-mails sent by others.

Effects of incivility on your work performance

Workplace incivility can be low in strength but is very high in frequency. When you listen to or read rude words, it directly influences your decision-making power. On the other hand, it made people less motivated. It cut back work efforts. People who experienced incivility do actually suffer a decrease in work performance. When somebody treated you disrespectfully it robs your self-confidence. Incivility has been found to have a number of deleterious consequences on the employee as well as the organization's well-being.

What are the reasons?

Workplace Stress is the main reason behind this, people feel overwhelmed while being uncivil to their juniors and peers. They’re skeptical and being concerned about being civil. Other factors are the low morale of employees and mismatched team members.

Does Civility pay?

It is more important to be treated with respect than recognition and appreciation. People who feel respected at the workplace are healthier, more focused, more likely to stay with their organization, and far more engaged.

How can you feel people respected?

Civility and respect should be used to boost organizational performance. Small things make big difference.

  • Thanking people
  • Sharing credit
  • Listening attentively
  • Humbly asking question
  • Make feel employee valued
  • Smiling face

TouchPoints for Leaders

Civility helps people. Set the high standards of performance but with civility. Be tough-minded on standards and tenderhearted with people. Have daily interactions with employees. Make employees feel valued. Leaders need to be agile and mindful.

Employees in the civil environment are happier, helpful, creative, productive, and healthy. Everybody needs to be treated with respect. You can be more mindful and lift people up around you whether at work, at home, online, and in our community.

smartData Enterprises always encourage the best practices to be followed when it comes to deal with workplace incivility and civility around. Various initiatives have been taken to make employees feel valued for the organization.

Apart from rewards & recognition , smartConnect & smartGratitude programs were conducted virtually when physical connection was not possible. The essence behind such programs was to know about the well-being of the employee and their family members so as to make them feel cared for by reaching out to them in this tough time.