Posted On November 3, 2021

Trends in Telehealth Adoption Among Providers

The coronavirus pandemic created an unprecedented necessity for remote health care, and telehealth became more prominent. Many advances have occurred in terms of technology, regulation, reimbursement, and adoption of this care approach.

Clinical best practices in telehealth, on the other hand, have remained consistent over time, with the key variation being the necessity to scale them up. The pandemic worsened fundamental health system vulnerabilities that had previously hampered telehealth adoption (such as inequitable access to treatment, unsustainable costs in a fee-for-service system, and a lack of quality measurements for innovative care delivery modalities).

Higher volume consumption has shown a fresh understanding of how patients from underrepresented groups might gain from or be harmed by the move to virtual care. Moving ahead, it will be crucial to determine whether COVID-19 telehealth reforms should be sustained or expanded to ensure that individuals have equal access to high-quality care. For more information visit our Telehealth Solutions

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