Organization ethos” refers to certain standards guiding the behavior of the employees involved in work situations to achieve certain desired objectives. Defining your organization's ethos is important as they are the driving forces that will power your vision (why) and subsequently, mission (how) statements. A set of ethos does not merely affect the decision-making within the organization but also helps in setting an organization’s overall culture. It is a practice that is applied evenly by every individual in the organization, regardless of their level of responsibilities, positions, and designations.
Creating an effective work ethos is no small feat, but it’s something that all organization has to accomplish. Learn, Burn & Earn are the spirit of smartData which has guided us to achieve the set targets as an organization as a whole. It has also helped us to climb the success ladder for these many years and will surely be an important essence for many more years to come. We have seen that employees working for an organization with a strong culture that aligns with their own learning, beliefs, and attitude, will more likely to work hard and remain associated for the long haul.
The ethos of Learning is the first one -which our employees irrespective of their designation continuously seek, share, and apply to improve their performance as an individual and which in turn has helped in achieving our vision of Scaling Expectations. Learning is included at all levels- a classroom or on-the-job learning set for our sDirects or training planned (smartData square) for up-gradation of our employees on a trending skill in the IT market. Learning is done by working with a diverse team and it can also acquire at senior levels like attending our virtual conclave or Basecamp meeting which deals with business matters for the roads ahead. Thus, Learning is of utmost importance at every level and has been always emphasized as it is directly proportional to growth.
Second, the ethos of Burning- After learning, the next step is the implementation of the acquired skills and knowledge. Burning is the phase where we activate the plan, or it is the process that includes putting ideas, newly acquired skills, knowledge, or program into operation at every stage needed and it is done at every level from bottom to top within smartData for achieving the desired set goals.
Last is the ethos of Earning- Earning refers to turning our knowledge into growth and development which helps us to take on higher-ranking roles and advance in our careers. It is acquiring niche skills trending in the market and also refers to growth in terms of monetary benefits. If we follow the ethos-our earning could be from awards to rewards - onsite experiences, recognition programs, timely appreciation, benefits, promotions, and the culture of growth. Monetary earnings at sD include increments, fringe benefits, performance pay, and bonuses. Non-Monetary earnings consist of promotion, recognition, an employee of the month awards, customer delight, SLG, and Basecamp group which include employee selection on the basis of ability to understand, value addition, and their performance.
Thus, smartData ethos has proven to be a successful essence to date and forms a continuous process of -learn, burn and earn- which we rigorously follow as input of Learning - acquiring knowledge on daily basis; the process of Burning - implementing it on timely manner & output of Earning- achieving desired goals which were set for growth and development of the smarTian or smartData as a whole.