Posted On October 19, 2021

What is Fall Detection?

Did you know? Falls are the second foremost cause of fortuitous injury deaths worldwide. An estimated 684,000 people die from falls worldwide each year and adults over 60 suffer the deadliest falls. Most of the falling deaths can be avoided if the injured person can be monitored timely. However, in most cases, the injured person is unable to respond or ask for help as they might be unconscious or are facing a concussion.

Falls can cause head injuries that require a quick response to avoid possible death. Here the game of technology comes into play, where the smart devices such as smartwatches, bike computers that are using advanced algorithms designed to detect the fall will send an SOS (along with GPS location) to the nearby emergency provider as soon as the falling activity is detected.

These have been saving lots of lives recently and are becoming even more precise as the technology is advancing. Fall detection can have many use cases for instance an individual gets an alert of his/her elderly parents at the time of their walk if some abnormal action is detected and even before the user can even reach the spot the nearby emergency service can take care of the incidence.

smartData as a leading healthcare IT service provider have a team of professionals to integrate various wearable GPS apps to improve the safety of the person. Admins or guardians can track the location of their beloved ones in real-time from the backend using this on-demand location tool. Contact us for the free consultation.

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