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Calendar April 17 - 21, 2023
location Chicago, IL

Native App Development

Native App Development approach involves creating applications for each mobile OS (iOS, Android or Windows Phone) using different languages considering each platform’s peculiarities.

This development model requires different skills and technological know how other than mobile website development. One needn't have to worry about browser behaviour and compatibility.


Here are the key benefits of native mobile app development:

Ultimate User Experience
As a result, of developing app and optimizing for a specific platform using platforms core programming language and APIs the app demonstrates an extremely high level of performance.

Consistent Look and Feel:
These apps are more superior to user experience where the flow of the app is more natural and comes with specific UI standards.

Allow Developers To Access The Full Feature Set Of Devices
As, Native Application is developed for a particular platform, application can directly use GPS, microphone, Camera, and more while executing in a faster way. Push notification works best and helps your app bundle ID with using Google’s Cloud Messaging.

Tends To Have Fewer Bugs During Development
Maintaining two applications in two codebases is far easier than two different applications in one codebase. Native apps produces lesser bugs there is no dependency on a cross-platform development tool such as Xamarin or Cordova.

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Recent Portfolio Projects

Medication Adherence Application

The Medication Adherence Mobile Application aims to address the critical issue of non-compliance with prescribed medication regimens. The goal is to create a user-friendly and intuitive app that encourages and assists individuals in adhering to their medication schedules, ultimately improving overall health outcomes.

Medication Adherence Application

Healthcare Payment Audit and Appeal Wizard

SaaS-based software to draft, track, and manage healthcare payment audit appeals and responses. The platform unites the overcharged patients, organizations and auditors. This helps the patients suspecting for overcharge to appeal in the judiciary system against the alleged organization. The goal of this application is to facilitate the communication amongst organizations, victim patients and auditors, and assists appeal to the [...]

Healthcare Payment Audit and Appeal Wizard

Toyness App Bug Fixation

Toyness is a multilingual go to online kids store with massive collection of kid’s toys sorted under different categories.The app facilitates seamless buying experience through one-step checkout process, multi-payment options,  order tracking and and easy refund/return management. The app also has an integrated web-based system for admin to manage product categories, inventory and order management, shipment handling, and setting multiple [...]

Toyness App Bug Fixation

Mobile Advertising Platform

An advertisement platform promoting the use of clean energy for commute through biking campaigns in 3 simple steps- "affiliate, install & ride". It enables biking enthusiasts to enroll their private bike into campaigns run by different advertisers. This helps the bikers to earn a decent amount for every kilometer cycled thus enabling healthy habits while using the bike as a advertisement tool

Mobile Advertising Platform

Hedis Power BI SSRS

It is a Healthcare platform that deals with various aspects of patient data. Power BI application provides a patient dashboard and various metrics related to namely hypertension, diabetes, colon cancer, etc. These metrics are calculated by giving start dates and end date parameters. Dax measures are used to formulate the logic behind the measures. The platform is a POWER BI [...]

Hedis Power BI SSRS

Construction Management ERP

SaaS based one-stop solution for building industry which provides platform to construction companies to automate their operational, administrative & other processes. This allows companies to focus on their core business services and manage processes via technology.

Construction Management ERP
Estimate Project